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Series Norskov (сериал 2015 – 2017) (2015)

Norskov (сериал 2015 – 2017)

Genre: драма, криминал
Year: 2015
Country: Дания
Director: Луиза Фридберг, Сёрен Балле, Биргитте Стэмозе, ...
Cast: Томас Левин, Клаус Риис Эстергорд, Якоб Ульрик Ломанн, Энн Софи Эсперсен, Хенрик Бирк, Mathias Käki Jørgensen, Mette Marckmann, Daniel Bevensee, Марьяна Янкович, Pi Werning
World Premiere: 21 сентября 2015
Duration: 42 мин.
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7 rating 0
2020-03-07 07:42:45
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 07:42 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Police investigator Tom Noack returns home to Norskov to clean up the town's drug crime but quickly becomes personally involved. When he happens on the trail of a major smuggling operation, Tom is torn between his professional and his personal commitments. Tom has to navigate between his brother-in-law Martin, Norskov's mayor, his sister Jackie, the director of the family business, and a childhood friend Bondy, who is the brother of Tom's teenage sweetheart, Diana. In the middle of the intrigues is Diana's young son, Oliver, who is a talented hockey player trying to find a foothold.

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