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Movie Broken Contract (2015)

Broken Contract

Genre: боевик, драма, комедия, криминал
Year: 2015
Country: Австралия
Director: James Pentecost
Cast: Mona Afshar, Эстер Андерсон, Келси Андерсон, Adrain Archer, Ron Arthurs, Alan Bascombe, Leah Bennet, Lisa Bennet, Эндрю Бонджованни, Dusan Bozori
Budget: AUD 200 000
World Premiere: 22 июня 2018
Duration: 95 мин. / 01:35
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating3.8 rating 0
2020-03-08 02:05:04
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 02:05 Views: 0 Comments: 0
When Max, a down on his luck strip club owner, has his life and livelihood threatened by local gangsters, he turns to his wife's connections for help and hires a hitman to solve the problem once and for all. But before long, Max is blinded by his newfound power and his family finds him spinning off the rails as the body count piles up. Written by Hayden Fortescue

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