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Movie Il ritorno (2014)

Il ritorno

Genre: драма
Year: 2014
Country: Италия, Германия
Director: Олаф Крейнсен
Cast: Алессандро Прециози, Таня Ведхорн, Эльмар Гелен, Пеппино Маззотта, Патрик Мёллекен, Нунциа Скьяно, Мишель Де Вирджилио, Кьяра Паоли, Карин Пройа, Nicola Jürgensen
World Premiere: 17 февраля 2014
Duration: 90 мин. / 01:30
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.4 rating 0
2020-03-07 20:14:11
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 20:14 Views: 1 Comments: 0
Paolo (45) is Italian but has lived in Germany for twenty years when a phone call from his brother brings him the news of his mother's death. He and his wife immediately go to Italy only to realize that it was nothing but a lie: The mother is quite well and Paolo is needed merely to rebalance the over leveraged family budget. But the stay soon turns out to be beyond an economic nature, as Paolo faces his past, the entire family story unravels, bringing both shock and revelation to all individuals involved. Written by Beta Film

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