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Movie Another Yeti a Love Story: Life on the Streets (2017)

Another Yeti a Love Story: Life on the Streets

Genre: ужасы, комедия
Year: 2017
Country: США
Director: Адам Дейо, Эрик Госселин
Cast: Уитни Мур, Ллойд Кауфман, Томми Пистол, Michael Varrati, Шон Келлер, Josh Androsky, Марисса Мэррилл, Феникс Аскани, Джим Мартин, Эрик Госселин
Budget: $30 000
World Premiere: 14 февраля 2017
Duration: 77 мин. / 01:17
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating4.1 rating 0
2020-03-08 21:29:23
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 21:29 Views: 1 Comments: 0
After moving to Los Angeles to start anew, Adam, an out of the closet single father of a yeti baby, is dragged into the underground sex trade when his child is kidnapped; Now with the help of his two new friends, a heroin-addicted yeti prostitute and a sexy stripper, they must fight the forces of evil to save the world. Written by Pimp Billy

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