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Series Rådebank (2020)


Original name: Rådebank
Genre: драма
Year: 2020
Country: Норвегия
Director: Daniel Fahre
Cast: Фритьоф Сохэйм, Один Вааге, Матильда Томин Сторм, Fabian Svegaard Tapia, Сьюр Ватне Бреан, Maja Christiansen, Каспер Энтонсен, Amalie Sporsheim, Андерс Т. Андерсен, Ола Отнес
World Premiere: 20 марта 2020
Duration: 26 мин. / 0:26
kinopoiskrating6.48 imdbrating8 rating 0
2020-04-15 15:17:00
Added: Only-HD Date: 15 April 2020, 15:17 Views: 1 Comments: 0
Car mechanic Genn-Tore, a car-loving guy know as GT, has charisma and self-confidence to be the small town's popular hunk. Until the day he is dumped by his girlfriend.

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