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Cartoon La Leyenda del Chupacabras (2016)

La Leyenda del Chupacabras

Original name: La Leyenda del Chupacabras
Genre: мультфильм
Year: 2016
Country: Мексика
Director: Альберто Родригес
Cast: Эдуардо Эспанья, Бенни Мендоза, Пол Луис, Мария Тереза Кордейро, Emilio Treviño, Лаура Гонзалес, Romulo Bernal, Антонио Амадео, Philip Dubois, Lissa Grossman Comess
World Premiere: 13 октября 2016
Duration: 81 мин. / 01:21
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.3 rating 0
2020-03-07 12:34:13
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 12:34 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Leo San Juan was imprisoned after being mistaken for a rebel insurgency by the royal army while on his way home to Puebla. But when a mysterious flying monster, known as the Chupacabra, is on the rise, attacking prisoners and guards, he must defend his fate and fight the flying monster.

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