Home / Приключения / Tales of Zestiria: Dawn of the Shepherd

Movie Tales of Zestiria: Dawn of the Shepherd (2015)

Tales of Zestiria: Dawn of the Shepherd

Original name: Tales of Zestiria: Dawn of the Shepherd
Genre: приключения
Year: 2015
Country: Япония
Director: Харуо Сотодзаки
Cast: Робби Дэймонд, Рёхэй Кимура, Майкл Джонстон, Рёта Осака, Алексис Типтон, Аи Каяно, Ацуси Косака, Такэхито Коясу, Итиро Нагаи, Кацуми Ториуми
World Premiere: 2015-10-20
Duration: 60 мин. / 1:0
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.9 rating 0
2020-05-29 10:54:46
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 10:54 Views: 2 Comments: 0
From way back, people worshiped Seraphs as Gods. Seraphs are beings that are able to use magic, however, they have always been among people. Yet, only a few are able to see them, those who can leave their names and legacies in the history of the mankind. Sorey, the main protagonist of the series, is a human raised by the Seraphs. Long-long time ago, Shepherds, humans contracted to a powerful Seraph, were that only power keeping peace and all terrors of wars away from the humanity. They are no more, so the world sinks in malevolence. Sorey having saved the princess, finds out that the humanity is in grave danger yet again. He together with his friend Mikleo and the princess Alisha embarks on a quest to save the mankind. Written by Scientiiaa

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