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Series Jimi ni sugoi! Koetsu garu Kono Etsuko (2016)

Jimi ni sugoi! Koetsu garu Kono Etsuko

Original name: Jimi ni sugoi! Koetsu garu Kono Etsuko
Genre: комедия
Year: 2016
Country: Япония
Director: Тоя Сато, Наоко Комуро, Масахиро Мори
Cast: Сатоми Исихара, Масаки Суда, Цубаса Хонда, Масато Вада, Норико Эгути, Рика Адати, Мариэ Сода, Каё Исэ, Наруки Мацукава, Ёсукэ Сугино
World Premiere: 5 октября 2016
Duration: 54 мин. / 0:54
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.1 rating 0
2020-06-03 21:30:17
Added: Only-HD Date: 03 June 2020, 21:30 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Kouno Etsuko joins a publishing company with her sights set on becoming a fashion editor. But she is assigned to the very unglamorous proofreading department which examines and fixes errors in manuscripts. Dressed in flashy clothes, Etsuko goes beyond her proofreading work to see the writers in person and also get into actual locations to verify facts. She tries to do each job to perfection for a transfer to the fashion magazine editorial department. Despite her worries about the gap between her ideal job and reality, Etsuko dedicates herself to the work of proofreading in her own unique way and gradually starts to realize its allure. Written by ahloy-419-149174

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