Home / Драма / Ku'damm 59

Series Ku'damm 59 (2018)

Ku'damm 59

Original name: Ku'damm 59
Genre: драма
Year: 2018
Country: Германия
Director: Sven Bohse
Cast: Соня Герхардт, Клаудия Михельсен, Мария Эрих, Эмилия Шуле, Тристан Пюттер, Сабин Тамбреа, Аугуст Витгенштайн, Ульрих Нётен, Лаура Де Бур, Хайно Ферх
World Premiere: 18 марта 2018
kinopoiskrating7.68 imdbrating7.7 rating 0
2020-03-07 06:07:18
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 06:07 Views: 1 Comments: 0
This is a story about a woman and her three daughters in Germany in the 50's. One of her daughters wants more from life and becomes a part of the Rock and Roll subculture.

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