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Movie Fièvres (2013)


Genre: драма, семейный
Year: 2013
Country: Марокко, Франция
Director: Хичам Аюш
Cast: Фарида Амруш, Мохамед Арусси, Ален Азеро, Слиман Дази, Emilia Derou-Bernal, Emilia Dérou-Bernal, Паскаль Элсо, Тони Харрисон, Дидье Мишон, Адриан Сен-Жоре
World Premiere: 5 декабря 2013
Duration: 90 мин. / 01:30
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.6 rating 0
2020-03-08 01:14:27
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 01:14 Views: 2 Comments: 0
Benjamin is a child in war against the world, he has known violence and social care homes. One day his mother goes to prison, Benjamin learns he has a father, he will now go live with him in a city in the Parisian suburbs.

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