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Movie Mon âme par toi guérie (2013)

Mon âme par toi guérie

Original name: Mon âme par toi guérie
Genre: драма
Year: 2013
Country: Франция
Director: Франсуа Дюпейрон
Cast: Грегори Гадебуа, Селин Саллетт, Жан-Пьер Дарруссен, Мари Пайен, Филипп Реббо, Стефан Войтович, Агат Дронне, Натали Бутфо, Антони Палиотти, Mélody Soudier
World Premiere: 22 сентября 2013
Duration: 123 мин. / 02:03
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.3 rating 0
2020-03-08 04:20:17
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 04:20 Views: 0 Comments: 0
,"Mon Ame Par Toi Guérie" depicts harsh living on the fringes of society : people in their mobile homes ,often on the dole ,whose only solace is fishing (for the father) or exchanging blue jokes with his pals in the bistro (the son). A guy ,Fredi, whose mom has just died,is told by his dad that her gift (she was a healer)has been passed down to him. Fredi does not care about his so called gift till one night when he knocks down a little boy on his motorcycle . Written by dbdumonteil

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