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Series Niños ricos, pobres padres (2009)

Niños ricos, pobres padres

Original name: Niños ricos, pobres padres
Genre: боевик, мелодрама
Year: 2009
Country: США, Колумбия
Director: Родольфо Ойос, Сантьяго Варгас
Cast: Кармен Вильялобос, Айлин Мухика, Фабиола Кампоманес, Себастьян Кайседо, Альдемар Корреа, Маргарита Муньос, Милли Руперто, Дидье ван дер Хове, Конрадо Осорио, Джохана Бахамон
World Premiere: 7 июля 2009
Duration: 45 мин.
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2020-01-28 18:30:12
Added: Only-HD Date: 28 January 2020, 18:30 Views: 4 Comments: 0
The story revolves around the lives of the people in the town, Alexandra, a beautiful 17-year-old immigrant is the main character. her and her mother are are forced to move from the United States to Colombia, South America and begin a new life. In their arrival to COLOMBIA, Alexandra and her mother are submerged into a world of intrigue and betrayal, where money is the main object of the cities' corruption and people are not who they seem to be. drama builds as Estevan and David fight to win Alejandra's heart. Written by a real hispanic

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