Home / Ужасы / Galerians: Rion

Series Galerians: Rion (2004)

Galerians: Rion

Original name: Galerians: Rion
Slogan: man. machine. menace
Genre: ужасы, фантастика, боевик
Year: 2004
Country: Япония
Director: Masahiko Maesawa
Cast: Стивен Апостолина, Steve Cassling, Лаура Койл, Юка Имаи, Акира Исида, Сихо Кикути, Такэхито Коясу, Дэйв Маллоу, Майкл МакКоннохи, Лия Сарджент
World Premiere: 2004-04-06
Duration: 73 мин. / 1:13
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.5 rating 0
2020-05-29 19:43:06
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 19:43 Views: 1 Comments: 0
A boy awakes, imprisoned in a hospital without a name or memory. He is immediately attacked and discovers to his surprise that he has incredible telekinetic powers. A girl, her psychic voice calling for help inside his head, sends him on a adventure to save her: And by saving her, he will save all humanity. Written by E.C.McMullen Jr.

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