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Series The Secrets She Keeps (2020)

The Secrets She Keeps

Original name: The Secrets She Keeps
Genre: триллер,драма
Year: 2020
Country: Австралия
Director: Дженнифер Лиси, Катрин Миллар
Cast: Майкл Дорман, Лаура Кармайкл, Джессика Де Гау, Кариба Хейн, Райан Корр, Дженни Бейрд, Майкл Шисби, Хезер Митчелл, Элизабет Александр, Laura McDonald
Premiere Russian: 1 июня 2020
World Premiere: 4 апреля 2020
Duration: 43 мин. / 0:43
kinopoiskrating7.08 imdbrating6.9 rating 0
2020-05-17 09:15:06
Added: Only-HD Date: 17 May 2020, 09:15 Views: 11 Comments: 0
Two women from vastly different backgrounds have one thing in common - explosive secrets that could destroy everything they hold dear. Two women have a chance encounter in a supermarket in an affluent Sydney suburb. They are the same age, both heavily pregnant and due at the same time. Meghan (Jessica De Gouw) is a glamorous online 'influencer' on the rise with an ambitious television sports reporter husband Jack (Michael Dorman). Agatha (Laura Carmichael) works in the supermarket as a shelf stacker. Although they live near each other, the two women's lives could not be more different - Agatha is a loner, barely subsisting above the poverty line. She's ecstatic to be pregnant, pinning all her hopes and dreams on this much longed-for 'miracle baby'. Yet the father of her child, Hayden (Michael Sheasby), a sailor on active duty, remains oblivious to her condition. Meghan is a sophisticated mother-of-two who uses her website to reframe her imperfect life into a glossier, more ...

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