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Series Operation Buffalo (2020)

Operation Buffalo

Original name: Operation Buffalo
Slogan: Mushroom clouds, misadventure and murder
Genre: драма
Year: 2020
Country: Австралия
Director: Питер Дункан
Cast: Ивен Лесли, Джеймс Кромуэлл, Тони Мартин, Shantae Barnes-Cowan, Шака Кук, Фрэнсис Джуйлибинг, Бенедикт Уолл, Джессика Де Гау, Мэттью Бэкер, Эролл Шанд
World Premiere: 31 мая 2020
Duration: 52 мин. / 0:52
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.8 rating 0
2020-06-01 03:18:05
Added: Only-HD Date: 01 June 2020, 03:18 Views: 1 Comments: 0
A gripping thriller, set in Maralinga, South Australia, at the height of the Cold War. At a remote army base carrying out British nuclear testing, paranoia runs rife and nuclear bombs are not the only things being put to the test, as loyalty, love, and betrayal are pitted against each other.

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