Home / Драма / Yi shi yi shi de

Movie Yi shi yi shi de (2020)

Yi shi yi shi de

Original name: Yi shi yi shi de
Slogan: In order to attract the attention of his mother, Zi Kien begins imitating the adults around him. He copies their speech, their clothes and even starts smoking like them.
Genre: драма
Year: 2020
Country: Малайзия
Director: Jacky Yeap
Cast: Тан Чуй Муи, Jacky Yeap, Loh Kok Man, Jia Ern Yap
World Premiere: 29 июля 2020
Duration: 107 мин. / 1:47
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.4 rating 0
2024-01-03 14:31:07
Added: Only-HD Date: 03 January 2024, 14:31 Views: 0 Comments: 0

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