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Series Cubicles (2019)


Original name: Cubicles
Genre: комедия, драма
Year: 2019
Country: Индия
Director: Chaitanya Kumbhakonum
Cast: Harish Peddinti, Нидхи Бишт, Saurabh Siya Dwivedi, Ashish Manchanda, Abhishek Chaudhary, Абхишек Ядав, Khushbu Baid, Badri Chavan, Prerna Sharma, Сришти Риндани
World Premiere: 10 декабря 2019
Duration: 28 мин. / 0:28
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating8.2 rating 0
2020-06-01 15:18:14
Added: Only-HD Date: 01 June 2020, 15:18 Views: 0 Comments: 0
This world is actually run by people sitting and working in their cubicles. This is a story of Piyush Prajapati, a 22 year old, fresh out of college and recruited like most of his batch-mates into an Indian IT company. From the time he gets his first salary, working weekends, work-life balance, a little bit of heart to all kinds of highs and lows, the show follows many firsts and chronicles the life of Piyush, a typical Indian first jobber and the people around him.

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