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Movie Christmas with a Prince: Becoming Royal (2019)

Christmas with a Prince: Becoming Royal

Genre: мелодрама
Year: 2019
Country: Канада
Director: Джастин Дж. Дик
Cast: Кейтлин Либ, Ник Хунслоу, Джош Дин, Мелинда Шанкар, Чарльз Шонесси, Лилиана Коморовска, Джек Фоли, Миган Фаленбок, Карина Баттрик, Йордан Андонов
World Premiere: 3 ноября 2019
Duration: 88 мин. / 1:28
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.9 rating 0
2020-03-08 16:32:05
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 16:32 Views: 2 Comments: 0
Its Christmas again and Dr Tasha is on her way to meet Prince Alexander in St. Savarre. Though this is a happy time it is also a very stressful as a treaty is being negotiated between St. Savarre and Vandelien.When Tasha arrives, Alex surprises her by asking for her hand in marriage. She accepts and they immediately begin planning the wedding. When Princess Miranda finds out she is not happy. She concocts a plan to put a halt to this fairy-tale. Will Miranda succeed or will Tasha have her happily ever after?

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