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Series Double je (2019)

Double je

Original name: Double je
Slogan: «Pourquoi choisir entre l'ami de ses rêves et l'homme de sa vie?»
Genre: драма, криминал
Year: 2019
Director: Лорен Дюссо, Аким Искер
Cast: Кэрол Уэйерс, Франсуа Винчентелли, Амбруаз Мишель, Bruno Gouery, Флер Жеффрие, Пьер ЛаПляс, Бастьен Бернини, Дени Себбах, Giacomo Angotti, Франсуа Дюнойе
World Premiere: 29 марта 2019
kinopoiskrating7.39 imdbrating6.9 rating 1
2020-03-14 11:08:06
Added: Only-HD Date: 14 March 2020, 11:08 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Police captain Déa Versini works with Jimmy. They are inseparable and have formed a perfect partnership on the streets. There is no case they can't crack. But their relationship is shaken up by the arrival of a new lieutenant, Matthieu Belcourt. Is it possible for them to work as a trio? Unlikely - given that Jimmy is Déa's imaginary friend. Written by Happy_Evil_Dude

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