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Movie Adventures of Rufus: the Fantastic Pet (2020)

Adventures of Rufus: the Fantastic Pet

Original name: Adventures of Rufus: the Fantastic Pet
Genre: приключения, семейный, фэнтези
Year: 2020
Country: Франция
Director: Райан Беллгардт
Cast: Кайлер Чарльз Бек, Erin Herring, Leah N.H. Philpott, Ли Боччаччи, Cory Phillips, Chelsea D., Mattie Walker, Madelyn Kientz, Madilyn Kellam, Ивэн Ассанте
World Premiere: 26 мая 2020
Duration: 83 мин. / 1:23
kinopoiskrating7.37 imdbrating4.2 rating 0
2020-05-27 12:03:05
Added: Only-HD Date: 27 May 2020, 12:03 Views: 14 Comments: 0
Friends Scott and Emily, are at Scott's grandmother's home when they suddenly discover a mysterious creature Rufus and the wizard Abbot in a secret room. They have a mission: with the help of an ancient spell book, they'll gather some ingredients to make a magic dust to save their world, a magical world. However, they encounter several obstacles when three mean servants with mysterious power want to put their hands on the book which they believe has spells to turn everything into gold. Written by Paul Dorlodot

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