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Series Irmandade (2019)


Original name: Irmandade
Genre: триллер, драма, криминал
Year: 2019
Country: Бразилия
Director: Педро Морелли, Али Муритиба, Густаво Бонафе
Cast: Наруна Коста, Данило Грангейа, Эрмила Гуэдес, Wesley Guimarães, Сеу Жоржи, Ли Тейлор, Renato de Castro Freitas, Washington Lins, Pedro Wagner, Luiz Bertazzo
World Premiere: 25 октября 2019
Duration: 50 мин.
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.5 rating 0
2020-03-19 11:08:04
Added: Only-HD Date: 19 March 2020, 11:08 Views: 0 Comments: 0
A hard-working lawyer discovers that her missing brother has been jailed for years and is a leader of an ascendant criminal faction.

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