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Movie Öndög (2019)


Original name: Öndög
Genre: драма
Year: 2019
Country: Монголия, Китай
Director: Ван Цюаньань
Cast: Дуламжав Энкхтаиван, Аоригелету, Жантемир Арилд, Норовсамбуу,
World Premiere: 8 февраля 2019
Duration: 100 мин. / 01:40
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.6 rating 0
2020-05-10 07:17:43
Added: Only-HD Date: 10 May 2020, 07:17 Views: 1 Comments: 0
A murder case in the Mongolian steppe. A herder is asked to guard the crime scene - a woman who resolutely scares off both wolves and her neighbor. She has her own plans for the future, which are closely linked to the myths of her homeland. Written by Berlin International Film Festival

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