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Series Dou po cang qiong (2018)

Dou po cang qiong

Original name: Dou po cang qiong
Genre: боевик, мелодрама, фэнтези
Year: 2018
Country: Китай
Director: Юй Жунгуан
Cast: У Лэй, Джелли Линь, Ли Цинь, Бэйрон Чэнь, У Цзячэн, Синь Чжилэй, Шон Сяо,
World Premiere: 3 сентября 2018
Duration: 45 мин.
kinopoiskrating7.56 imdbrating7.5 rating 0
2020-03-07 14:30:40
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 14:30 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Xiao Yan is a genius child who suddenly loses all his powers. In a world governed by strength and power, Xiao Yan's lack of talent is an embarrassment to his family. At the age of 15, Xiao Yan accidentally summons Yaochen from his mother's ring. With the elder's help, Xiao Yan's skills improve by leaps and bounds. After his entire family is assassinated, Xiao Yan embarks on a journey to find his family's killer and return peace to the Jianghu (martial world). Written by https://mydramalist.com/22170-fights-break-sphere

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