Home / Ужасы / The Plague 3: The Road's End

Movie The Plague 3: The Road's End (2018)

The Plague 3: The Road's End

Genre: ужасы
Year: 2018
Country: США
Director: Emir Skalonja
Cast: Nicole Skalonja, Кристал Шенк, Alma Beverly Skalonja, Jimi Voelker, Emir Skalonja, Роберт А. Колдикотт, Erac Rodriguez, Jacob Hodgson, Kira Meyer, Lori Dolan Meyer
World Premiere: 20 октября 2018
Duration: 76 мин. / 01:16
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating4.7 rating 0
2020-03-08 18:43:14
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 18:43 Views: 1 Comments: 0
Becky is pregnant. Miranda is her only companion. Together, they trek the winter wasteland, knee deep in snow, to find a house in the middle of nowhere. But with the dead lurking around every corner, staying in one place might be harder than it looks.

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