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Movie Da ji (1964)

Da ji

Original name: Da ji
Genre: драма
Year: 1964
Country: Гонконг, Корея Южная
Director: Ин-хён Чхве, Фен Юе
Cast: Щин Ён-гюн, Даи Лин, Чжэн Пэйпэй, Ким Сын-хо, Чхве Ын-хи, Чэнь Юньхуа, Квонг Чи Чунг, Пинг Чин, Миао Чинг, Фэнг Йинг
World Premiere: 26 августа 1964
Duration: 108 мин. / 01:48
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.3 rating 0
2020-01-27 00:12:59
Added: Only-HD Date: 27 January 2020, 00:12 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Admist a rebellion during the Ching Dynasty in ancient China, a nurse flees the palace with a young prince. As an adult, he convinces the daughter of the usurper to betray her father and to assist in restoring him as the rightful monarch.

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