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Series Anone (2018)


Original name: Anone
Genre: драма
Year: 2018
Country: Япония
Director: Нобуо Мидзута
Cast: Судзу Хиросэ, Юко Танака, Сатоми Кобаяси, Садао Абэ, Эйта Нагаяма, Норико Эгути, Сёхэи Хино, Кацуми Киба, Юи Китамура, Хироя Симидзу
World Premiere: 10 января 2018
Duration: 50 мин. / 0:50
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.7 rating 0
2020-06-03 21:30:21
Added: Only-HD Date: 03 June 2020, 21:30 Views: 0 Comments: 0
One day a woman named Anone is getting ready to leave her home for work when she accidentally drops her wedding ring. As she searches for it she finds quite a bit of cash under the floor. She is surprised. This is the beginning of several interrelated stories also involving money. Written by aghaemi

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