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Movie Invisible (2017)


Genre: драма
Year: 2017
Country: Аргентина, Франция
Director: Пабло Джорджелли
Cast: Мора Аренильяс, Диего Кремонеси, Мара Бестельи, Paula Fernandez Mbarak, Леонэль Арансибия, Фабиан Аренильяс, Patricio Bedoya, Агустина Фернандес, Адриана Феррер, Eric Gutierrez
World Premiere: 1 сентября 2017
Duration: 87 мин. / 01:27
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6 rating 0
2020-03-07 23:46:20
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 23:46 Views: 3 Comments: 0
Ely is 17 years old. After school, she works few hours at a pet shop. When Ely learns that she is pregnant, her inner world explodes even though she tries to go on with her daily routine as if nothing was different. She is afraid and upset, and she knows that, whatever she decides to do, there is no turning back.

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