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Movie Une vie ailleurs (2017)

Une vie ailleurs

Genre: драма
Year: 2017
Country: Франция, Уругвай
Director: Olivier Peyon
Cast: Изабель Карре, Рамзи Бедиа, Мария Дуплаа, Вирхиния Мендес, Dylan Cortes, Lucas Barreiro, Olivier Ruidavet, Flavio Quintana, Gabriela Freire, Angélica Cuenca
World Premiere: 18 марта 2017
Duration: 96 мин. / 01:36
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.8 rating 0
2020-03-08 01:32:04
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 01:32 Views: 0 Comments: 0
It's been four years since Sylvie's son Felipe was abducted by his father Pablo after their divorce. Having been let down by the French officials who had succeeded in tracking both them down, only to let them escape again, Sylvie has now decided to take matters into her own hands.

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