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Series The Agatha Christie Hour (1982)

The Agatha Christie Hour

Original name: The Agatha Christie Hour
Genre: драма, криминал, детектив
Year: 1982
Country: Великобритания
Director: Майкл Симпсон, Брайан Фарнэм, Джон Франкау, ...
Cast: Морис Денэм, Анджела Истерлинг, Кристофер Рен, Майкл Элдридж, Алан Бэдел, Осмунд Баллок, Николас Клэй, Николас Фэррел, Элизабет Гарви, Уильям Гонт
World Premiere: 7 сентября 1982
Duration: 52 мин.
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2020-03-07 17:36:18
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 17:36 Views: 0 Comments: 0
The Agatha Christie Hour is a collection of ten hour-long dramas based on short stories by the most popular novelist in history. Some were romances, some had supernatural themes and a couple were adventures. The common link was that all came from the talented pen of Agatha Christie, all were entertaining and each drama was carefully crafted and well cast with many of Britain's best known actors of the time represented. Written by Bai

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