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Movie The Right to Bear Arms (2010)

The Right to Bear Arms

Original name: The Right to Bear Arms
Slogan: The son of a Prosecuting Attorney fighting for more stringent gun laws falls in love with a dominatrix who is a member of a gun gang seeking to assassinate his father.
Genre: драма
Year: 2010
Country: США
Director: О.В. Тутилл
Cast: Джон Сэвэдж, Лайонел Флинн, Тара Уолкер, Denitra Henderson, О.В. Тутилл, Рик Уолтерс, Анна Меседа, Келли МакИнтайр, Дженнифер Пейдж, Виктория Дрэйк
Budget: $100 000
Duration: 80 мин. / 1:20
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating4.2 rating 0
2024-01-12 14:30:56
Added: Only-HD Date: 12 January 2024, 14:30 Views: 0 Comments: 0

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