Home / Боевик / Fei yan shuang jiao

Movie Fei yan shuang jiao (1978)

Fei yan shuang jiao

Original name: Fei yan shuang jiao
Slogan: «Heavenly Bodies...Deadly Hands!»
Genre: боевик, приключения
Year: 1978
Country: Тайвань
Director: Хсин Йи Чанг
Cast: Анджела Мао, Линг Чиа, Йи Чанг, Kuan-Hsiung Wang, Hou-kuang Chai, Чин Чанг, Питер Чанг, Чэн Хай Чинг, Хунг Чоу, Вэй Фэн
World Premiere: 8 января 1978
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2020-03-08 20:05:14
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 20:05 Views: 2 Comments: 0
Two female and one male (the strong, silent type) constables compete to recapture the Night-Shining Pearl, stolen by the Four Chiefs, who are lead by the treacherous Coldwater Tiger.

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