Home / Ужасы / Xiong mao

Movie Xiong mao (1987)

Xiong mao

Original name: Xiong mao
Genre: ужасы, фэнтези, комедия
Year: 1987
Country: Гонконг
Director: Дэннис Ю
Cast: Yue-Ju Chen, Марк Чэн, Тереза Ха, Сюй Шуюань, Галлен Ло, Лю Чя-Лян, Том Пун, Томас Синь, Hon Sang So, Lai-Ying Tang
Duration: 91 мин. / 01:31
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.6 rating 0
2020-01-27 22:38:52
Added: Only-HD Date: 27 January 2020, 22:38 Views: 1 Comments: 0
Master Cheung is the last of a large family whose members for centuries have protected the Earth from a demonic cat with nine lives.

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