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Cartoon Rupan sansei: Honô no kioku Tokyo Crisis (1998)

Rupan sansei: Honô no kioku Tokyo Crisis

Original name: Rupan sansei: Honô no kioku Tokyo Crisis
Genre: мультфильм, фантастика, фэнтези, боевик, триллер, комедия, криминал, детектив
Year: 1998
Country: Япония
Director: Тосия Синохара
Cast: Мэгуми Хаясибара, Канъити Курита, Киёси Кобаяси, Эйко Масуяма, Макио Иноэ, Горо Ная, Коити Ямадэра, Трой Бэйкер, Боб Картер, Коллин Клинкенберд
World Premiere: 1998-07-24
Duration: 95 мин. / 1:35
kinopoiskrating7.01 imdbrating7.1 rating 0
2020-05-29 16:36:59
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 16:36 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Lupin has his eye set on a set of unique photographic plates, which hold the key to an ancient treasure dating back to the Edo period. These plates are in the keeping of Michael Suzuki, a multi-millionaire who is about to open a water park in Tokyo. Unfortunately, two of his partners aren't in good condition at the moment: marksman Daisuke Jigen is suffering from a toothache that impedes his aim, and swordsman Goemon Ishikawa has had his prized sword stolen from him... and in Suzuki's collection! Meanwhile, Inspector Zenigata must reluctantly deal with Maria, a journalist assigned to report on the Lupin case but who would much rather report on Suzuki. However, she holds a dark secret to Suzuki's past that he is prepared to hide at any cost. And just what is the secret hidden within the plates? Written by Q. Leo Rahman

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