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Series Il Processo (2019)

Il Processo

Original name: Il Processo
Genre: криминал
Year: 2019
Country: Италия
Director: Стефано Лодовичи
Cast: Виттория Пуччини, Франческо Шанна, Камилла Филиппи, Симона Коломбари, Maurizio Lastrico, Алессандро Авероне, Эвридиче Аксэн, Марко Бальяни, Пия Ланчотти, Джордано Де Плано
World Premiere: 29 ноября 2019
Duration: 52 мин. / 0:52
kinopoiskrating7.27 imdbrating7.2 rating 0
2020-04-11 15:15:30
Added: Only-HD Date: 11 April 2020, 15:15 Views: 1 Comments: 0
A group of characters is implicated in the brutal murder of Angelica, a 17 yo girl involved into something bigger than her: the prosecutor Elena Guerra, who discovers to be indissolubly close to the victim; Ruggero Barone rampant lawyer who considers this trial the chance of a lifetime; Linda Monaco, the only defendant, who insists claiming her innocence. They all walk on a razor's edge searching for the truth, waiting for a verdict, which will establish, in a way or another, a new course for their lives.

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