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Series Dao mu bi ji 2 (2019)

Dao mu bi ji 2

Original name: Dao mu bi ji 2
Slogan: The expedition to the mysterious territory We go with our passion
Genre: приключения, фэнтези
Year: 2019
Country: Китай
Director: Лау Квок-Фай, Лау Вин-Чун
Cast: Хоу Минхао, Чэн И, Ли Мань, Чжан Боюй, Лю Сюэи, Яо Ичэнь, Яо Лу, Цзинь Шицзя, Шу Яосюань, Крис Боул
World Premiere: 6 июня 2019
Duration: 45 мин.
kinopoiskrating7.75 imdbrating7.1 rating 0
2020-05-29 11:24:12
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 11:24 Views: 1 Comments: 0
Second volume of the first physical book "Tomb Notes: Seven Stars Lu Wang Palace" in the series of Tomb Notes. It mainly tells three things. First, Wu Xie got a snake-brown copper fish and launched an investigation around it. The second point is that Wu Xie Sanshu followed the Wenjin archaeological team's strange experience in Xisha, causing Wu Xie and others to be curious. The third point, Wu Xie and others entered the Xisha Wangzang sea wrecked seabed tomb, and found many horrifying events, including human face scorpion, sea monkey and other mysterious creatures. Written by Louis M

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