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Movie Assassin 33 A.D. (2020)

Assassin 33 A.D.

Original name: Assassin 33 A.D.
Slogan: What if the greatest event in human history was erased?
Genre: фантастика
Year: 2020
Country: США
Director: Джим Кэрролл
Cast: Хейди Монтаг, Донни Боас, Сьюзэн Галлахер, Энтони Кривелло, Martin Peña, Бо Дэвидсон, Джонни Рей Диас, Морган Робертс, Zara Majidpour, Пэрис Хепберн
World Premiere: 24 января 2020
Duration: 109 мин. / 1:49
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating3 rating 0
2020-04-11 15:19:28
Added: Only-HD Date: 11 April 2020, 15:19 Views: 1 Comments: 0
Extremists use a time machine to go back and commit the ultimate jihad of killing Jesus and the Disciples before the resurrection. The young geniuses that created time travel must go back in time, dodge the assassins, interact with Biblical characters and make the corrections before the time line overrides itself and starts the apocalypse. Written by Jim Carroll

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