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Movie Rosa Leigh (2018)

Rosa Leigh

Genre: ужасы
Year: 2018
Country: США
Director: Christopher Maggard
Cast: Сантьяго Чирило, Jessica Paige York, Gloria Bishop, Cheryl Lynn Carter, Alicia Echavarria, Carrie Lynn Forgacs, Томми Грабик, Shannon Griffin, Brandy Jones, Джо Кидд
World Premiere: 30 марта 2018
Duration: 72 мин. / 1:12
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating3.5 rating 0
2020-03-31 22:25:59
Added: Only-HD Date: 31 March 2020, 22:25 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Sixty years ago an unimaginable tragedy struck the Ruth Lee Elementary School when a little girl named Rosa Leigh was killed along with her teacher and the school's janitor. Now, four paranormal investigators seek to debunk the claims which surround the abandoned school. However, they inadvertently release the darkness which dwells within the school.

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