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Movie Caraba (2019)


Year: 2019
Country: Германия
Director: Katharina Mihm
Cast: Marc Adams, Sefa Konuk Agnew, Mazen Alnounou, Viktor Bashmakov, Марион Алессандра Бекер, Ilse Amberger-Bendin, Markus Braun, Рубен Бринкман, Эмма Фрида Брюглер, Paul Csipai
World Premiere: 4 мая 2019
Duration: 92 мин. / 01:32
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.6 rating 0
2020-03-08 17:18:04
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 17:18 Views: 9 Comments: 0
In a world without schools, CaRabA shows how life itself can become an everlasting educational experience when the forces of destiny and one's own curiosity become the defining moment.

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