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Series Yuu Gi Ou (1998)

Yuu Gi Ou

Original name: Yuu Gi Ou
Genre: криминал, детектив, история
Year: 1998
Country: Китай
Director: Го Шуан, Huan Yang
Cast: Даррен Чэнь, Алисса Чиа, Фу Мэнпо, Ли Личунь, Yaoyuan Liu
World Premiere: 4 апреля 1998
Duration: 50 мин.
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.7 rating 0
2020-05-30 00:48:30
Added: Only-HD Date: 30 May 2020, 00:48 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Yugi Mutou is a shy young boy who has finally completed his grandfather's Thousand-Year puzzle. Little does he realize that this puzzle unleashes an alter ego who challenges anyone who hurts Yugi to a game. The losers often pay dearly.

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