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Movie El elefante desaparecido (2014)

El elefante desaparecido

Original name: El elefante desaparecido
Genre: триллер, детектив
Year: 2014
Country: Перу, Колумбия, Испания
Director: Хавьер Фуэнтес-Леон
Cast: Сальвадор дель Солар, Энджи Сепеда, Лучо Касерес, Ванесса Саба, Андрес Парра, Татьяна Астенго, Carlos Carlín, Abraham Prudencio Rojas, Мишель Рубен, Magdyel Ugaz
World Premiere: 6 сентября 2014
Duration: 109 мин. / 01:49
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.4 rating 0
2020-03-07 17:02:10
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 17:02 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Edo Celeste is a renowned crime novelist, who is writing the final book in the series about his alter ego, detective Felipe Aranda. Edo is obsessed with the disappearance of his fiancee Celia, which took place the day of the 2007 earthquake in the southern coast of Peru. Seven years later, an enigmatic woman brings Edo dozens of cryptic photos that may help solve the mystery of Celia's disappearance. Edo senses that he's being tempted into a dangerous game, but believes this is the only way to find his fiancee alive. A labyrinth of clues submerges Edo in a race through the streets of Lima and the deserted beaches of Paracas. His final destination will confront him with the ultimate riddle any writer could face. Written by Anonymous

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