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Anime Animation Seisaku Shinkou Kuromi-chan (2001)

Animation Seisaku Shinkou Kuromi-chan

Original name: Animation Seisaku Shinkou Kuromi-chan
Slogan: The ultimate behind-the-scenes!
Genre: аниме, мультфильм, короткометражка, комедия
Year: 2001
Country: Япония
Director: Акитаро Дайти
Cast: Лиза Ортис, Каори Асо, Сюзанн Савой, Рэйко Ясухара, Уэйн Грэйсон, Ёсиро Мацумото, Эрик Стюарт, Эйдзи Ито, Дэн Грин, Кадзуя Итидзё
World Premiere: 2001-03-30
Duration: 40 мин.
kinopoiskrating6.8 imdbrating7.1 rating 0
2020-05-29 16:13:16
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 16:13 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Mikiko "Kuromi" Oguro lands her dream job at an animation studio. When she gets there however, the Head of Production manager dies shortly after meeting her and therefore passes his position onto her. She must now summon the lazy staff to complete "Time Journeys" in one week. Written by anonymous

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