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Movie Ali and Alia (2019)

Ali and Alia

Original name: Ali and Alia
Genre: мелодрама, драма
Year: 2019
Country: ОАЭ
Director: Hussein Alansari
Cast: Khalifa al Bhri, Sawsan Saad, Mersal Alshamsi, Невен Мади
World Premiere: 28 февраля 2019
Duration: 105 мин. / 1:45
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.1 rating 0
2020-06-03 00:36:16
Added: Only-HD Date: 03 June 2020, 00:36 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Ali and Alia are childhood neighbors that fell in love with each other, but bigger events occur in their lives which gets them separated. Ali seeks to maintain Alia's heart even if it is through substance abuse.

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