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Series Daming huang fei sun ruo wei chuan (2019)

Daming huang fei sun ruo wei chuan

Original name: Daming huang fei sun ruo wei chuan
Genre: драма, история
Year: 2019
Country: Китай
Director: Чжан Тин
Cast: Тан Вэй, Чжу Явэнь, Дэн Цзяцзя, У Юэ, Yuanhui Luan, Лян Гуаньхуа, Ху Сан, Цяо Чжэньюй, Ke Su, Wei Sun
World Premiere: 2019-12-17
Duration: 45 мин.
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.4 rating 0
2020-05-29 23:55:05
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 23:55 Views: 0 Comments: 0
The drama tells the story of the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the country created a flourishing world, Yangwei overseas, after the Five Emperors and Six Dynasties, a hundred years of star-studded shining blood, a long-lasting Jinling old dream. In the first year of Ming Yongle, the battle of Jing Dynasties, the Jianwen Emperor cut into the mountains, and the whereabouts became the mystery of the ages. The old minister of Jianwen was killed by the murder. The royal priest Jing Qing, the husband and wife were martyrdom, and the eldest daughter was saved by the vice-president Sun Yu. The second daughter was murdered and saved by the prince Zhu Gaochi. The flesh and blood compatriots, one in the palace, one in the rivers and lakes, while growing up. Ten years later, if the micro-map seeks to assassinate Zhu Xi, the younger sister married into the palace. If she was in the assassination, she met the emperor Zhu Zhuji, and witnessed the political rebellion of Jinling City's Bo Yunyu, in... Written by Youku.com

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