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Series Assédio (2018)


Original name: Assédio
Slogan: They defeated silence by speaking up as one
Genre: драма, криминал
Year: 2018
Country: Бразилия
Director: Амора Маутнер, Гуто Арруда Ботело
Cast: Антониу Каллони, Адриана Эстевес, Паола Оливейра, Мариана Лима, Elisa Volpato, Педро Нерцессян, Паула Посани, Фелипе Камаргу, Жулиана Карнейро да Кунья, Бианка Муллер
World Premiere: 2018-09-21
Duration: 37 мин.
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.7 rating 0
2020-05-29 07:48:19
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 07:48 Views: 8 Comments: 0
A group of women gets together on social media to expose the sexual harassment they all suffered from a renowned specialist in reproductive medicine. The saga of perseverance and courage of these women begins when one of them decides to talk and reveal what was until then confined by the doctor's office walls.

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