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Movie Noxious (2018)


Genre: ужасы
Year: 2018
Country: США
Director: Diana Riggs
Cast: Кен Энтони II, Michael Bath, Лили Кардон, Род Л. Гриффин, Гари Б. Гросс, Девон Хьюз, Венди Хьюз, Брайан Карс, Павел Козлов, John McKean
World Premiere: 13 августа 2018
Duration: 132 мин. / 2:12
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2020-03-31 20:34:17
Added: Only-HD Date: 31 March 2020, 20:34 Views: 0 Comments: 0
A fatal oil spill, an explosion and toxic waste collide in the Gulf of Mexico and the results spawn a noxious mutation that terrorizes a beach community. Police sergeant (Devon Hughes)leads the investigation against an unscrupulous CEO (Michael Milhoan), but it's a quirky detective (Brian Edward Kahrs) and a tenacious environmental researcher (Wendi Hughes), who confront the zombie nightmare. Written by Diana Riggs

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