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Movie Cenizas (2018)


Genre: драма
Year: 2018
Country: Эквадор, Уругвай
Director: Хуан Себастьян Хакоме
Cast: Саманта Кайседо, Диего Нараньо, Хуана Эстрелья, Estela Álvarez, Pavel Almeida,
World Premiere: 14 марта 2018
Duration: 80 мин. / 01:20
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7 rating 0
2020-03-08 14:48:09
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 14:48 Views: 6 Comments: 0
As Cotopaxi spews ash, issuing an eerie penumbra over Quito, a young woman confronts dormant familial conflicts. Desperate for a place to store her things as volcanic disaster looms, Caridad turns to her long-estranged father Galo for help. Galo abandoned Caridad's mother long ago and is eager to make amends, but questions concerning the nature of his transgressions linger, straining communication between father and daughter and casting grave doubts over the possibility of reconciliation.

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