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Movie Maliglutit (2016)


Original name: Maliglutit
Slogan: My world was torn apart. When they want to get a wife, they become fearless and act without mercy.
Genre: драма
Year: 2016
Country: Канада
Director: Захариас Кунук, Натар Унгалаак
Cast: Benjamin Kunuk, Karen Ivalu, Jonah Qunaq, Апаята Котиерк, Jocelyne Immaroitok, Joey Sarpinak, Joseph Uttak, Louisa Taqqaugaq, Paul-Dylan Ivalu, Roger Taqqaugaq
World Premiere: 12 сентября 2016
Duration: 94 мин. / 1:34
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.6 rating 0
2024-07-25 10:34:00
Added: Only-HD Date: 25 July 2024, 10:34 Views: 0 Comments: 0

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